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Eckhardt, A., Aguilar Zambrano, E., & Nilsson, D. (2018) Traumatic experiences and dissociation in a nonclinical group of university students in Ecuador: a cross-sectional study Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 30:3, 191-202
Nilsson, D., Nordås ,E., Pribe, G-.& Svedin, CG. (2018) Child physical abuse – High school students’ mental health and parental relations depending on who perpetrated the abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect 70 28–38.
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Nilsson, D-, Dahlström Ö., Wadsby, M., & Bergh Johannesson, K (2018). Evaluation of the Swedish Trauma Symptom Inventory-2 in a clinical and a student population. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 2, 71–82.
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Kjellgren,C., Nilsson, D.,Thulin, J. (2017) Implementering av en strukturerad behandlingsmodell vid barnmisshandel – ett tioårsperspektiv. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 4, 454-476.
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Adebäck,P., Schulman, A., & Nilsson, D. (2017). Children exposed to a natural disaster: psychological consequences eight years after 2004 tsunami. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2017.1382569
Nilsson, D., Johansson, E., Larsson. K.& Näslund, J., (2017) The experience of internal and external supporting objects from the perspective of six young women who have lost a parent to cancer- An interpretative phenomenological analysis Ann Psychiatry Treatm 2(2): 024-032.
Arnison, T., Menon, C.A., Malambo C.,, Nilsson, D (2017) Posttraumatic Stress among Women with HIV in Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 44, No. 2: 100-105
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Nilsson, D., Nordenstam, C, Green, s, Wetterhall, A, Lundin, T & Svedin CG,(2016). Acute stress among adolescents and female rape victims measured by ASC-kids: A pilot study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Nilsson, D, Dahlstöm,Ö, Priebe, G., & Svedin, CG. (2014). Polytraumatization in an adult national sample and its association with psychological distress and self-esteem.”. Brain and Behavior, doi:10.1002/brb3.298 (1of13)
Nilsson, D., Lejonkclou, A., Jonsson, M, Svedin, CG,& Homlmqvist, R "Somatoform dissociation among Swedish adolescents and young adults: The psychometric properties of the Swedish versions of SDQ-20 and SDQ-5.” (, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2014)
Maurizton, M., Odby-Bergendahl, E., Holmqvist, R. & Nilsson, D. (2014)The Fog is lifting; veils of mist come and go:Recovering From Pathological Dissociation
Phenomenological Analysis of the Experiences of Six Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence DOI: 10.1177/0886260514532528
Lejonclou,A., Nilsson, D.,& Holmqvist, R., (in press 2013/2014) Variants of Potentially Traumatic Life Events in Eating disoreder Patients. J Psychological Trauma. Research and Practice
Kjellgren, C, Svedin, CG,.& Nilsson,D,(2013). Child physical abuse- experiences of Combinded treatment for children and their parents. A Pilot study. Child Care in Practice. 19,3 275-290.
Tingskull, S, Svedin,CG, Sydsjö, G, Agnafors, S., Dekeyser, L, & Nilsson,.D. (2013 ) Parent and child agreement on experience of potential traumatic events. Child Abuse Review. Published online in Wiley Online Library( DOI: 10.1002/car.2287
Nilsson, D., Gustafsson, P.E., & Svedin, CG (2012,). Lifetime polytraumatization in adolescence and being a bully victim. Journal of nervous and Mental Disease 200 (11): 954-61.
Nilsson, D., Gustafsson, P.E., & Svedin, CG (2012). Polytraumatization and Trauma Symptoms in Adolescent Boys and Girls: Interpersonal and Non-interpersonal Events and Moderating Effects of Adverse Family Circumstances . Journal of Interpersonal ViolenceVolume 27 Issue 13 September 2012 pp. 2645 - 2664.
Your article's home page is DOI 10.1177/0886260512436386
Nilsson, D., Gustafsson, P.E. & Svedin, C.G. (2012). The psychometric properties of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for YoungChildren in a sample of Swedish children. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 3: 18505 -
Nilsson,D.,Holmqvist,R., & Jonson,M. , (2011). Self-reported attachment style, trauma exposure and dissociative symptoms among adolescents. Journal of Attachment and Human Development., 13:6, 579-595To link to this article:
Nilsson,D. Gustafsson,P.E.,& Svedin,C.G (2010). Evaluation of the Linkoping Youth Event Scale. Journal of Nervous and Mental Desease. 198(10) 768-74.
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